Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

They are Episcopal Church Women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold a variety of views. However, the common denominator of our members is love of God and the wish to do His work. They are a Christian women’s group dedicated to the betterment of all women and girls throughout the world.


Carol Bemister

Carol has been a member of the church since 2001. She is also the head of Ushers/Greeters and a member of Prayer for the People.

Vice President

Louise Gurley

Louise has been a member of the church since 2010. She is also a Ministry Chair of Devotions.


Karen Stamm

Karen has been a member of the church since 2015. She is a Lector.

Recording Secretary

Barbara Mordock

Barbara has been a member of the church since 2017. She is also the Ministry Chair of United Thank Offering, the Coffee Hour Coordinator and Editor of Weekly Announcements.

Corresponding Secretary

Diana Black

Diana has been a member of the church since 2013.

Daughters of the King


Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a

Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service

and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a

worldwide community of like-minded women. In solidarity with one

another, all Daughters everywhere make the same promises upon

their admission to The Order:

- To obey the two Rules of The Order: the Rule of Prayer and the

Rule of Service.

- To offer at all times loyal aid to our clergy and parish to spread

Christ’s kingdom. - To wear faithfully the cross of The Order.

- To work for the purposes of The Order as God may give us the





Martha has been member of the Church since the late 70s. She is also the  Clerk of the Vestry, a Congregational Lay Delegate, a member of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Clerk for the Finance Committee, a Godly Play Teacher, Lector, a member of the Stewardship Committee and a Lay Eucharist Visitor.

The Rev. Karen



Rev. Binding has been apart of the church since 2003. She went into Seminary at St. John’s College in 1977 and was Deaconed Epiphany 1981 and Priested May 25, 1982.

Carolyn Brenner


Carolyn has been a member of the Church since 1972 and a member of the Daughters since the 1980s.  She is the Daughters of the King Treasurer.



Vice President

Gloria has been a member of the Church since 1998. She is the Music Department Coordinator which includes being the head of the Choir and Bell Choir. The Vice-President of the Daughters of the King (DOK). As well the Lamplighter editor, Vestry member, Director of the Altar Guild and the Church Chef when we hold dinners.

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